
Meet the Athlete: Steve Mini

6 years ago | Words: Grant O'Brien | Photos: Nitro Circus Live, Grant O'Brien

Aussie OG rider Steve Mini has experienced more in the sport of FMX than most, and it seems the likable lad from Mudgee ain’t slowing down anytime soon. Mini has competed against the best on the world stage, travelled the globe for many years performing with the Nitro Circus Live crew, and is regarded by his peers as one of the best blokes in the business. To find out more about this legend of Aussie FMX we caught up with the man himself…

NAME:  Steve Mini.
AGE: 34.
BIKE: Honda CRF450.
WEIGHT/HEIGHT: 75kg, 179cm.
SINGLE/STEADY/HITCHED: Super steady and soon to be hitched.
KIDS: Three-year-old boy Mason Mini.
MUSIC: Hip Hop.
MY CREW: Bilko, Sincs, Topdog, and Sauly.

If I didn’t ride FMX professionally, I’d probably be…
I’ve been riding professionally for 15 years so who knows what’s next. I’d love to think I can ride for another 2/3 years. I’d love to buy a pub in the next year and then move onto that.

Three things people don’t know about me are…
1. I love riding scooters with my son, even though I’ve always ragged on scooter riders.
2. I like watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians with my partner Hannah.
2. I once was a champion swimmer.

The best thing about being an FMX rider is…
Being paid to travel the world with your best mates riding a dirt bike. It gets harder as you get older especially after you have kids, but I’m extremely fortunate for the life that I’ve been able to live all from being able to backflip or frontflip a dirt bike.

My most memorable event/demo/trip was, and why…
In April 2016 we went to India for a demo for a tyre company’s work function. The company called the Nitro Circus office and said they wanted some guys for a demo. The guys in the office called me and said pick some riders and head over. Myself, Bilko, Sincs, Topdog, Sauly and Pete Anderson went over. It was just like a bucks weekend. We had an awesome crew and had a lot of fun.

The FMX rider I look up to most is, and why…
Back when I was a kid it was Carey Hart. These days I admire guys like Adam Jones and Josh Sheehan – two amazing athletes that can do the hardest tricks in the world in any conditions.

If I was an event promoter, the first thing I’d do is…
These days most promoters are really reasonable. We can tell them the terms rather than the other way round. Back in the day we’d show up to an event and the setup would be unsafe and we’d do it anyway because we felt we had to. There have always been riders that would do things cheaper and the promoters would hire them over us but it seems like these days the promoters want guys they know can show up and do the job under any circumstances. A lot can go wrong when travelling for shows such as bad weather, lost suspension etc., and the experienced guys (old guys) can always pull it off.

Has FMX evolution stalled, or is it still progressing, explain…
It definitely had a slump for a while. All action sports do. But I think lately with different ramps, airbags and things like that the riders are getting excited about it again and then the crowd get to see new things. There have been a lot of big tricks being thrown over the past year or so. Makes me happy that I’m nearly at the end of my career rather than just starting out.

My worst accident was…
Canberra Nitro Circus 2011 when I missed a Holy Grab. My shoulder was that destroyed that my arm was locked straight and looked like it was sticking out of my back. That was the last time I ever did a Holy Grab.

My favourite trick is…
Turndown. Always will be. It doesn’t matter what new tricks come out a big Whip or a Turndown will always stand out.

A funny story about one of my freestyle mates is …
Well without going into detail Bilko had a plane turned around before, I think that’s pretty impressive.

I’m obsessed about…
Not really obsessed with anything, I just like hanging with my partner and son and riding my dirt bike.

Don’t even start me talking about…
Adam Jones Facebook statuses.

Don’t miss the opportunity to watch one of the many Nitro Circus Live shows currently touring around OZ. For more, check out the website: www.nitrocircus.com

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