Geoff Ballard Steps Aside
After 24 years, during which time he’s run race teams for both Honda and Yamaha, Geoff Ballard has told Transmoto that season 2012 will be his last as a team manager. But, as Australia’s most decorated off-road racer explains, it hardly means he plans to disappear from the off-road scene.
“I’m not retiring from riding, nor even stepping away from the enduro and off-road scene,” explained Ballard. “I’m just stepping back from a manager’s role after 24 years of running teams for both Honda and Yamaha. Recently, I’ve lost a bit of that needed ‘spark’ that makes it all work best for the team itself, so to be fair to everyone involved, I’ve decided it’s time to pass the baton on to someone else at the end of this season.
“I especially want to thank Yamaha for all those fun years (14 of them!), and all the great sponsors who have helped to support us. Not to mention all the great riders we’ve had the pleasure to work with. It’s been a blast!”
Speaking of riders associated with a Ballard-run race team, just take a look at this roll call of Australia’s off-road greats: Glen Bell, Ian Cunningham, Stuart Morgan, Damian Smith, Ben Bunda, Alison Parker, Josh Ballard, Jess Gardiner, Jarrod Bewley, Dave McFarlane, Peter Martin, Glenn Kearney, Matt Dymock, Matt Gangell, Stefan Granquist, Chris Hollis, Ben Burrell, Ryan Smart, Kirk Hutton, Matt Phillips, Tony Smidt, Adam O’Connor, Brendon O’Sullivan, Melissa Mackay, Matt McKenna, Ricky Dillan, Vaughan Style, Dave Stuart, Liam Robertson, Eddie Warren, Jason Cater, Mark Peacock, Craig Smith, Mark Avard, Tim Scrivan, Ryan Bouquet, Shannon Lewry, Mary Perkins, Mark Penny, Stefan Merriman, Scott Roots, Drew Keith, Craig Douglas, Daniel Milner, Brett Moffat, Morgan Fitzgerald and Brad Williscroft. And on top of those guys, the great Shane Watts and John Hederics also raced under a support arrangement with a Ballard’s team at one time or another.
Interestingly enough, there’s great significance in the number 24 for Ballard. He and he two siblings were born on the 24th of the month; he’s been in parts and accessory business for 24 years; he’s now raced an incredible tally of 24 ISDEs (a record for Australian riders); and four-time EWC champ and now Ballard’s team rider, Stefan Merriman, runs the #24 on his bike. Turns out Merriman’s birthday is also on the 24th of the month!
So after 24 years of managing race teams, it seems fitting that GB step aside. And it’ll be very interesting who Yamaha Australia choose to pass that baton to. Stay tuned!
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